Phytotoxicity is the damage inflicted on plant growth as a result of a toxic compound. Trace metals, pesticides, salinity, allelochemicals, or phytotoxins compounds are responsible for such damage. With certain spray mixtures and insecticides the phytotoxic reaction causes damage to the plant.

Phytotoxicity Symptoms of Herbicides in Different Crops & Plants

Plants that manifest phytotoxic reactions include the following symptoms:
1) Abnormal Growth. Certain parts such as the aerial roots or suckering, or perhaps the entire plant will experience excessive growth.
2) Chlorosis. Spots or tip margin or leaf yellowing appears.
3) Leaf Distortion. The leaf crinkles, curls, or appears to be cupping.
4) Stunting. The plant in its entirety is reduced in size, or specific parts such as the fruit, roots, or flowers may look smaller in comparison to the rest of the plant.

Testing Pesticides Used in Agriculture

For avid growers wanting to deflect problem insects while preserving their plants, formulating an effective insecticide that causes little effect to plants is beneficial. Having such claims with proven statistics and data that back the results of applying various chemical mixtures that don’t harm plants is essential. Separating the injuries caused to plants from the chemical application to insect damage, nutrient deficiency, and temperature effects, are all taken into account during Snell Scientifics Phytotoxicity Tests. Using only vibrant and well established plants that are healthy, well fed, and thriving can provide accurate results for your insecticide.

Pesticide Formulation

When formulating pesticides for outdoor use and growing plants, avoiding phytotoxicity is critical. Given the need to avoid this, the data is what reveals the inert and adjutants used in pesticide formulation. As a part of the research involves much of the ground work, the trials and tests performed by Snell Scientifics, LLC are a major contributor to the details and statistics attained. In addition to only testing pesticides on healthy plants that show no sound of stress, or need for water as wilted plants are very sensitive to spray injury. We also ensure that temperatures are monitored as sprays will dry too quickly or remain wet in extreme temperatures.

Phytotoxicity in Plants

Phytotoxicity occurs in the plants after the applied sprays or drenches contaminate the plants cells; negatively impacting their cellular components like chloroplasts, which will inhibit the leaf function and respiration, remove the waxy cuticle layer that offers protection, as well as effecting the plants hormonal system and cause osmotic imbalance in the roots. Because miscalculation of rates and products used in tank mixes can increase penetration into cells or leaves, simple over-application can be a common problem. With the tests we perform, we can collect all pertinent data concerning that issue as well.

Phytotoxicity Testing

Snell Scientifics offers phytotoxicity testing. With the help of our two greenhouses, we adhere to various protocols to monitor the affects of pesticides on various species of plants. Contact us for your product testing and development needs.